I'm currently developing Iperf for Windows Mobile. It is still in alpha test but almost everything is implemented. Soon you'll be able to download this software(WM5). There will be a time limit(about 3 month) but all functionalities will be available. After 3 month? just download again from link on this site. ^^
Following pictures show running on Windows Mobile 5.1 (320x240)
Work as a iperf client as you see. Nothing special but you have to type iperf server IP.
Combobox shows available command line options.
Pressing start button will add options back to combobox. Graph will be display if correctly connected with server which can be any iperf-1.7.0 server running any platform.
Select on of your favorite server options and press start. Press add button for your options.
Left static box shows currently running iperf server IP. (you'd better remember this if you don't want to click tab again ^^)

ping to check latency between nodes
1 comment:
Hi Berise,
what a brilliant project! Indeed this will help lot of people like us.
How is it going? Have you a releast that we can try?
I will follow this blog.
Best regards,
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